Purchasing Information:
After you place your order on this site, we will contact you to confirm your order details prior to payment being made. All orders will be processed and fulfilled by one of our authorised dealers. Rollies Speed Shop Distribution is a wholesale business and does not sell directly to the general public. For more info see the Purchasing Information page.
Most UTVs now have a governor installed to help protect you and your passengers by not allowing you to go more than 10-15 mph unless your factory seat belts are fastened. When you install any 4- or 5-Point Seat Belts, it is no longer necessary to fasten at the factory seat belt location since they are equipped with harness style fastening. To ensure you can reach top speed on the trail, youll need to install this seat belt override.
This is a very easy to use device that is entirel y plug and play. No cutting, no splicing or soldering.
Remember… Always buckle up when you ride!
MFR PART No: 2120-0949
ROLLIES PART No: KKC-2120-0949