Purchasing Information:
After you place your order on this site, we will contact you to confirm your order details prior to payment being made. All orders will be processed and fulfilled by one of our authorised dealers. Rollies Speed Shop Distribution is a wholesale business and does not sell directly to the general public. For more info see the Purchasing Information page.
Features & Benefits:-
* The use of higher lift camshafts and heavier valve springs puts additional stress on the cylinder head making the use of the Fueling stud kit a must.
* Helps prevent M8 Cylinder Head Cracking
* Relieves stress on the M8 cylinder heads.
* The factory and SE cylinder heads have an extremely weak link with the rocker arm shaft standoffs. By using a stud some of the stress is transferred from the standoff casting into the stud.
Tech Tips:-
< P>1. Double nut the stud with qty. 2-5/16×24 nuts, loctite the stud course threads and install into the cylinder head2. Torque studs to 48-60 in-lbs (4-5 Ft. Lbs)
3. FEULING recommends filling the rockers with oil using a oil squirt can, fill from the pushrod seat until oil squirts out the exit oil holes.
4. Install rocker arms/shafts, Loctite the fine threads
NOTE: It is important to seat the rocker arm shafts by evenly tightening the nuts to estimated 10 Ft. Lbs. then loosening to allow the shafts to settle in, then re-tighten evenly and step the torque 5/10/15/20 Ft. Lbs. then to a final 24 26 Ft. Lbs
MFR PART No: 3037