Purchasing Information:
After you place your order on this site, we will contact you to confirm your order details prior to payment being made. All orders will be processed and fulfilled by one of our authorised dealers. Rollies Speed Shop Distribution is a wholesale business and does not sell directly to the general public. For more info see the Purchasing Information page.
Features & Benefits:-
* Super Duty KB Forged Coated Anodized Piston Kit.
* Big bore 120″ piston kit for Milwaukee 8.
* Factory 114″ and 117″ cylinders are used to bore to 4.125″.
* No head modification required.
* Anodized top ring groove and crown.
* Line2Line abradable skirt coating applied to .003″ total thickness for a Zero initial fit to allow coating to hone in for a tight quiet running clearance.
* Round Wire Locks.
* Premium Hastings 1.2m m 1.2mm 3.0mm Steel Nitride top ring with a Ductile Napier second.
* Forced wrist pin oiling
* Complete kit includes: two pistons, rings, wrist pins and clips.
Tech Tips:-
* Follow Ring End Gap & Piston to Cylinder Clearances as per the supplied Manufacturers Instructions.
* Pull the engine down first & measure the existing bore to determine if oversize pistons are required PRIOR to purchase, we do not take back piston kits. The onus is on the assembling tech nician to validate the cylinders & required pistons.